Writing Analytics Conferences and Resources

This website provides resources that support the writing analytics community, including journals, conferences and conference archives, and other information relevant to the community. This site receives support from The WAC Clearinghouse, The Journal of Writing Analytics), and The Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing at Ohio State University.


The Journal of Writing Analytics, published by the WAC Clearinghouse, publishes peer-reviewed articles and reports that broadly address work in writing analytics--the study of writing processes and written texts through the use of a wide range of analytical tools, including those drawn from writing studies, corpus linguistics, cognitive psychology, and learning analytics.

The Journal of Learning Analytics, published by the Society for Learning Analytics Research, seeks to connect learning analytics researchers, developers and practitioners who share a common interest in using data traces to better understand and improve learning through the creation and implementation of new tools and techniques, and the study of transformations they engender.

The Journal of Educational Data Mining, the official journal of the International Educational Data Mining Society, is an international and interdisciplinary forum of research on computational approaches for analyzing electronic repositories of student data to answer educational questions.


Previous conference websites are listed below. Whenever possible, we link to the website. If conferences are no longer available on the web, we provide an archive of key conference material.