The Writing Analytics Conferences and Resources website provides resources that support the writing analytics community, including journals, conferences and conference archives, and other information relevant to the community. This site receives support from The WAC Clearinghouse, The Journal of Writing Analytics), and The Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing at Ohio State University.
Contact Information: For questions or suggestions regarding content, please contact Norbert Elliot at or Alaina Tackitt at To report problems you've had with any of our materials, please send electronic mail to Mike Palmquist at
Privacy: We do not share information about visitors to this site with any individuals or organizations. We will, however, record and analyze aggregate statistics about visits to assess the site's effectiveness and to identify problems. (Translation: we'll analyze how people use the site in an attempt to improve it.)
Copyright: Copyrights and intellectual property rights on the materials on this site are held by the authors and editors who have contributed content to it (© 1997 - [mura]dateformat(now(), 'yyyy')[/mura]). Alll rights are reserved. Feel free to quote from or to link to materials on this site, but reproduction of this material in any form is forbidden without the express written permission of the copyright holder(s). Permission requests can be directed to Mike Palmquist at
Technical Details: This site is published using the Masa CMS and the Lucee open-source CFML platform. Copyright to additional code used to support the Clearinghouse is held by Mike Palmquist and is used with permission. Additional copyrights (for instance, for materials used with permission of other authors, institutions, or organizations or for scripts developed and either purchased or used with permission) are indicated in the source code or in the "Contributors" link on pages within the site.