
9:00 – 9:30 Introduction: Writing Analytics, Massive Data Analysis, and My Reviewers

9:3010:00 Paper 1: Mapping Writing Analytics
Joe Moxley and Katie Walkup, University of South Florida

This paper endeavors to define and map Writing Analytics (WA) as an academic field. The affordances of digital tools have enabled us to reimagine WA’s meanings and applications. The authors use the metaphor of mapping to understand the tensions and successes navigated by researchers and practitioners and to chart new ways in which this field can benefit the domains of academia, business, and culture. Approaching WA from an interdisciplinary perspective allows the field to consider new research questions.

This workship engages participants in a collaborative effort to define WAs. After examining the following image, participants are encouraged to create their own heuristics in Google Drawings, Mindomo, or Coggle. Please share these heuristics on our Google Doc:

Image of Cluster Map